Caries prevention
Регулярный осмотр стоматолога
Современная стоматология направлена на снижение травматического повреждения зубов при препарировании. А этого можно достичь только применяя композиты, которые вступают в химическую связь с тканями зуба и образуют с ними единое целое, монолитную структуру. Пломбирование кариозных полостей проводится с применением композиционных материалов светового отвердения (они же гелиокомпозиты, светокомпозиты).
Caries prevention
- Good food;
- After a meal, use chewing gum, for example, Orbit (max 15 minutes);
- It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, in circular motions directed from the root of the tooth to the edge, capturing the inner surfaces of the cheeks and tongue. Any food residue between the teeth is cleaned or thoroughly cleansed with a dental floss;
- A child can brush his teeth at the age of two. Special children’s tooth pastes are available that have a pleasant taste for the child;
- The tooth paste should have a high content of fluorine and calcium. Mouthwash is useful, which reduces the risk of developing this disease;
- Visit the dentist twice a year so he/she could give you a qualified advice.;
- Remove tartar timely;
It is important to remember that if caries appears, it will not disappear on its own. Only timely treatment by a specialist and effective treatment of dental caries will help to avoid progression of the disease.
We use products from the world leaders: 3M, Kerr, Heraues Kulzer, Ivoclar, Degussa and others. In terms of their hardness, these materials are as close as possible to the hardness of the tooth enamel. The seal of such material is fixed in the carious cavity with a special glue – adhesive. This allows the doctor to achieve an improved fit, and consequently, the life of the seal is increased. Many of these compositefilling-materials contain fluorine, which strengthens the tooth enamel. Each material has a wide color range – the seal can be chosen optimally by the color of the tooth. This is especially important when filling the front teeth – after all, aesthetics and dentistry are closely linked.
Considerable attention is paid to the prevention of dental diseases..