Causes of caries

Causes of caries

Caries is one of the most common tooth diseases encountered in dental practice, in which the destruction of enamel and dentin occurs, as a result of which damage occurs on its surface. Causes of dental caries

karies lechenie 


  • Non-compliance with the oral hygiene rules – irregular teeth cleaning
  • Eating sweets contributes to the formation of plaque, which also accumulates bacteria
  • Improper diet (lack of vitamins, abundance of food containing sugar, lack of raw vegetables and fruits in the diet)
  • Improper diet (lack of vitamins, abundance of food containing sugar, lack of raw vegetables and fruits in the diet)
  • Irregular visit to the dentist
  • Weak immune system
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the circulatory tissues (periodontal)
  • Destructive damage to tooth enamel of non-caries nature
  • Congenital malformations of the tooth and its structures in general
  •  Low calcium, fluoride and phosphorus in drinking water
  • An inherited predisposition of the organism to dental caries
  • Influence of common diseases of the body (for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract)
  • Various past and concomitant illnesses (rickets, tuberculosis, etc.)

After a thorough examination of the patient’s anatomical structures of the oral cavity, the doctor makes a diagnosis. The proper diagnosis dictates the choice of treatment.