Endodontic treatment of teeth

Endodontic treatment of teeth

Endodontic treatment of teeth at the Sunny Dent clinic.


Endodontic treatment, otherwise root tooth treatment, is extremely complex. The price of treatment depends on the number of channels in the tooth. Before opening the tooth, the doctor makes an estimate of the number of channels based on an x-ray of the tooth, but all the channels are not always visible. The price for treatment is indicated as “approximate” – during the procedure, the doctor will tell you about the price change if he finds an additional channel. During treatment, it may also be that inflammation progresses in the tooth and gangrene forms, which can also (but not necessarily) affect the price of the last visit.


Первичное эндодонтическое лечение каналов - механическая и медикаментозная обработка канала. Цена включает анестезию и рентгенографические снимки.
Incisor & Canine100 BGN
Premolar160 – 210 BGN
Molar210 – 250 BGN

The dressing medicine in the root

Incisor & Canine40 BGN
Premolar50 BGN
Molar60-80 BGN

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